Monday, September 30, 2013

Made it to 28 weeks!

Tonight I got back from the hospital and Alisha seems to have improved. The rash on her arm is becoming much less itchy but it still gives her discomfort, so we're hoping that she'll be able to sleep well tonight. The baby is still doing well.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating a successful 28-week mark of Alisha's pregnancy. It's encouraging to reach this point, given that the doctor initially said the baby would "almost definitely" come out before 27 weeks.

Tuesday morning at ~9:30am will be the ultrasound where they'll measure the baby's GROWTH and blood flow in the umbilical cord. If our daughter hasn't grown enough over the past 2 weeks, then the doctors may use that to indicate that she should be taken out. Please pray for good GROWTH numbers and healthy blood flow. I'll try to post an update before noon on Tuesday to let everyone know the results.

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