Wednesday, July 2, 2014

All About Roscoe

To introduce Roscoe to new nurses, UCSF had Alisha fill out the sheet shown below. It's funny to try and summarize Roscoe onto a single sheet of paper, there is so much more to this boy!

He had a little step backwards last night and then during the first half of today. Some of his instability reared its head and he had to be manually ventilated ("bagged") and his saturations went as low as the 30's. After a conversation with the doctors it sounds like this may be Roscoe's new "normal" until the hypertension is resolved. They said that commonly once this downward spiral starts with pulmonary hypertension it continues to get worse. As a result, they said that after the catheterization early next week they may perform the surgery much sooner if he shows any improvement. Yesterday we thought they'd wait until ~3 weeks after his catheterization to perform surgery, but now it looks like it could be as short as 1 week later. It's a race against time and right now it looks like a photo finish.


  1. We'll continue praying!
    Love that little guy!!!

  2. So much more indeed. Such as .....when he bats his eyes at you it means he REALLY likes you. I like you too Roscoe :). Praying for you big boy!

  3. Praying! Praying! Praying!
    Would playing Alisha's music player 24/7 keep Roscoe more calm, therefore more stable and less saturations?
    I love you! I love you! I love you!

  4. You and Alisha are a blessing to keep all of us 'friends, friends-of-friends, acquaintances and loved ones' up to date about your son. I think it keeps us all in check with our relationships to our loved ones and to God. Thank you for sharing his story. Prayers always for you and yours.
